The nine available story chapters (short though they are) show BioWare in top form, and its emphasis on bringing factions together strongly suggests some good inspiration from Dragon Age: Inquisition. After all, good yarns have always been what set SWTOR (and its legendary predecessor, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic) apart from its competition, but this expansion takes it to a whole new level. The Story is Strong With This One.That Fallen Empire places such a heavy emphasis on story isn't much of a surprise in itself. On the other hand, Koth's repeated remark seemingly calls attention to the expansion's laughably easy combat, as it shuttles us through around 10 hours of content without the slightest pretense of challenge. These moments highlight the curious split in Knights of the Fallen Empire: on the one hand, the story's never been better, and it's filled with nuanced figures like Koth who break from the comical polarizing of good and bad choices BioWare's games are known for.