('customface' is just a random name that came off the tip of my head). So for example an elf male preset, it has to be named em_customface.mop and thats the name that you would add into the xml file under elf faces. It has to start out with the appropriate initials. Keep in mind that you have to name the mop file appropriately, or the game won't recognize it correctly. Once you've found that file, you open it using notepad, and then edit in the new information for the morph, in order for it to appear in the chargen creator. Once you have the mop file located in your documents/bioware/dragon age/packages/core/override folder, you need to look thru that folder and locate a file called chargenmorphcfg.xml
(there's a checkbox there in the extraction options for whether to extract it as a mor or a mop.Mor is for already made characters.Mop is for preset faces. mrh file that you created there in the toolset, and choose to extract the.
Ok, the ONLY way that this can be done, in the way that I think that you're talking about doing it, is IF the character's face morph was made in the dragon age toolset. Hiyas Vision- welcome to the nexus forums